Thursday, February 9, 2023

Guardian ad Litems in Tampa Bay Custody Cases


Guardian ad Litems & Child Custody, Tampa Bay

A Guardian ad Litems or "GALS" purpose is to help to determine what will be in the best interest of the child, particularly in higher conflict child custody cases. A guardian ad litem shall have the powers, privileges, and responsibilities to the extent necessary to advance the best interest of the child. 

READ:  GAL's powers in Tampa Bay & Florida Child Custody Cases 

Does a Guardian ad Litem Advocate for Parents or Children?

The role of a Guardian Ad Litem’s is to advocate for the child’s best interests in family court. They should not show bias to either parent and they must adhere to Florida Law. No two child custody cases are alike, so a Guardian ad Litem should approach each case uniquely, and independently of any others. 

What Happens After a GAL's Evaluation?

Once the GAL has completed their investigation and evaluation, they will make their recommendations to a judge. Although not bound to the recommendation, the courts will heavily consider the GALs report. The courts should weigh all aspects of the case prior to making a ruling on child custody.

When can a GAL be Helpful?

There are times when asking the courts for a GAL may not be appropriate or necessary.  Where high conflict is present, a GAL can offer children the advocacy they deserve. Their reporting can help the courts decide how to rule in a variety of cases such as;

Parental Relocation with a Minor Child – If one parent requests to relocate with the minor children and the other objects, a GAL can be appointed as a helpful advocate for the best interests of the children. 

Parental Alienation – If a parent is being accused of parental alienation, the appointment of a GAL can be given powers to investigate the allegations. 

Allegations of Domestic Violence, Neglect, Abuse
When allegations of domestic violence are present, the first step is to ensure the safety of yourself and your children. Where domestic violence is suspected against the minor children, a judge may assign a GAL to investigate on their behalf. 

If a GAL is Appointed Should I Hire a Tampa Bay Child Custody Attorney?

Being represented by an experienced Tampa child custody litigation attorney when a GAL has been appointed is highly recommended. Your parental rights should be protected at all times in any child custody matter. Securing sound legal representation by hiring the best child custody attorney in Tampa Bay for you, can help to ensure that the GAL is following Florida Law and investigating without bias and in the best interest of the children. 

For information or to schedule a consultation call 813-879-4600

Pinellas, Pasco, Hillsborough County Family Law & Divorce Attorneys
