Child Custody Attorneys, Tampa, FL
Representing Clients who need a Family Law Attorney in Hillsborough, Pasco & Pinellas County
Relocating with a minor child can occur after a Final Judgment of Divorce has been entered or when a Final Judgment of Paternity has been signed by a family judge. When one party desires to relocate with the minor child or children in excess of 50 miles from their residence that was listed on the Final Divorce or Paternity Judgment in excess of the 50 mile radius, you must be granted permission by the courts before you relocate the child or children you share time with. Doing so without permission can result in sanctions from the courts and it is highly recommended that you seek a Tampa child custody attorney to represent you in any parental relocation case or custody matter.
How to File a Petition to Relocate with a Minor Child in Hillsborough County, FL
The parent seeking to relocate with the minor child in excess of 50 miles or outside the State of Florida, can do so by either obtaining the other parent’s written consent, which is put in the form of an agreement, or by obtaining prior court approval following a contested hearing. It is common for the other parent to object to the relocation as it can interfere with timesharing and the current parenting plan. If however, you are able to reach an agreement without going to court, it is still wise to seek the assistance of an experienced Child custody attorney in Tampa Bay.
1. Include how the parties will consent to the relocation
2. Timesharing/Visitation and Custody schedule for the non relocating parent
3. Transportation details and arrangements related to access or time-sharing
When Parents Cannot Agree on the Relocation of their Minor Children out of Tampa Bay, FL
Under Florida law, unless there is an agreement between the parents allowing the relocation, the parent seeking to relocate must file a petition to relocate with a minor child and serve it upon the other parent .
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