Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Losing Custody of Your Children in Tampa Bay

Losing Custody of Your Children in Florida

Losing custody of your children is a terrifying thought for most parents. There are several situations in which your parental rights can be challenged and as it applies here, by the other parent and the courts. Although outside agencies may intervene, we represent parents who are at risk of losing their children in a custody battle.  This can happen during contentious divorces or with unmarried parents. High conflict can suddenly arise and become persistent where co-parenting had been amicable. Left unaddressed this can become problematic. Under any of these circumstances, hiring the very best Tampa child custody attorney for you will be the first best step in protecting your parental rights.


Attorney Donald Gilbert on Emergency Motions & Child Custody Tampa

What Leads to Child Custody Challenges?

There are several things that can take place that can lead to having your parental rights taken from you. Some may be inflicted by the other parent or even family members, other things that may cause you to have child custody issues, may be "self inflicted." 

Parental Alienation - Parental alienation is real. It can lead to losing custody of a child because a mother or father tried and failed at defending themselves in court against false allegations by the other parent. If it is found that false allegations have been made in order to prevail in a custody battle, you may in fact end up losing custody or having your custody minimized. If you're experiencing this, it may be in your best interest to hire a Tampa Bay parental alienation lawyer to represent you. 

Best Interest of Children - No shows, neglect, instances of domestic violence, drugs or other behaviors not conducive to the best interest of the children can also lead to child custody problems and losing custody of your children. If you've been a victim of domestic violence and minor children are involved please consult with one of our Tampa Divorce & Family Law Attorneys about obtaining a domestic violence protective order in Tampa, FL.

Legal Paternity - Fathers who don't establish legal paternity, but who have established a relationship with their minor child may lose that enjoyment if the mother decides to move out of State. You can't lose custody of your child in Florida if it has not yet been legally established. You may however, lose the chance for a timesharing order if you miss the 6 month timeframe for filing to establish legal paternity in Florida if the mother relocates. (Florida Home State Rule) .  

Tampa child custody attorneys

If it is proven that shared custody and timesharing is simply not in the minor child’s best interest, it may be necessary to ask the courts for the appropriate relief. Relief may be in the form of one party losing physical custody, losing visitation or having their timesharing drastically reduced. Once this occurs, child support which is in part based on the number of overnight visits must be recalculated. Losing custody doesn't just have emotional consequences but almost always includes financial consequences. Family judges are permitted an enormous amount of discretion and they can order supervised timesharing if they deem it appropriate. 

Mediating Family Law & Child Custody Matters

When custody issues arise, depending on the circumstances mediation will likely be ordered. Mediation can be a highly effective tool in timesharing and custody conflicts and disagreements. When and if mediation is either not appropriate or fails, you'll want a seasoned Tampa child custody litigation attorney to represent your best interests. 

Contact Us

For information or to schedule a consultation call our law firm or visit us online and leave us a secure message. 


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